Nalla neram
Nalla Neram is an auspicious time according to Tamil astrology, based on the Tamil panchangam. Find indraya nalla neram, nalla neram for today or tomorrow online.
An online Nalla Neram calculator that uses Tamil Astrological Almanac software is a great tool for finding Nalla Neram (auspicious times) for any given date and time.
Tamil astrology recommends that an auspicious function or ceremony should take place during an auspicious time, known as nalla neram, suba neram, and good time.
In Tamil astrology, all instances of time are divided into five parts, called Varam, Thithi, Nakshatram, Yogam, and Karanam. This time division enables us to find out suitable dates and time for auspicious ceremonies and events.
The time and date are important for predicting the success or failure of that activity. Therefore, plan your business meeting at the right time that is auspicious and suits you astrologically.
From - To
T.Nagar, Chennai,
Time zone :
05.30 E
, DST :
Indraya nalla neram
Indraya or today nalla neram displayed below are calculated for the specific geolocation of T.Nagar, Chennai, and calculations are based on Tamil Thiru kanitha panchangam.
In astrological point of view, when you initiate something, that day is considered as the birthday for whatever action you initiate.
Nalla neram calculator
Choose a date and place of the proposed event or new initiative, and find out the Nalla neram for your auspicious event displayed in the above black diagram.