Find Tamil baby names starting letter based on date of birth and nakshatra, online. First letter of name by date of birth and time is called nama aksharam, associated with Janma nakshatra and its patham.

Each birth star has its own special sound in tune with the tendencies and inner nature of a child.

Tamils traditionally, regardless of their religious faith, select the first letter of their baby name based on birth date and birth star in Tamil.

Giving astrology names by date of birth is also quite common among many other cultures in the Indian subcontinent.

Tamil baby name based on nakshatra and Patham

Tamil naming astrology considers the association of janma nakshatra with the phonetic form represented by the Aksharam as the main factor that decides the first letter of a name.

Find Tamil baby names starting letter based on date of birth and nakshatra, online. First letter of name by date of birth and time is called nama aksharam

e.g. A baby boy or girl who was born under the second padam of anusham nakshatram should have a Tamil baby name beginning with Tamil aksharam (syllable) நி - Ni.

Find out the nama aksharam of your baby and give a Tamil baby name based on nakshatra and Patham.

Namakaranam - Naming ceremony

Namakaranam is basically a naming ceremony, performed within a few weeks of the baby's birth. Namkaranam is one of the most important ceremonies or rituals in Tamil culture.

The mother and father start the ritual with pranayamam, prayers and chanting manthiram in the presence of the family priest and family members.

Rice grains are spread on a plate and the father writes the chosen name while chanting the mantra. Then he whispers the name into the child's right ear, followed by the blessings of the elders and ends with a feast with family and friends.

What is Janma natchathiram?

The birth star at the time of birth is called janma natchathiram, also known as nama nakshatram. Naming a child based on both Tamil astrology and numerology is very common nowadays. Tamilsonline also recommends you to check the numerological predictions.

New born baby jathagam in tamil

New born baby jathagam by date of birth and time in Tamil is calculated in the same way for an adult, however jathagam for a new born baby is generated to find the nakshatra and rasi of a baby for naming purposes.

How to find first letter of name by date of birth?

Tamil naming astrology consider the association of janma nakshatra with the phonetic form represented by the aksharam as the main factor that decides the first letter of a name.

In order to find the first letter of baby names in Tamil, submit the birth details of a newborn baby boy or girl; and find out the name starting letter based on date of birth, or nama aksharam relevant to the nama nakshatra based on Tamil baby naming astrology.

Explore our free Baby Natchathiram and naming Aksharam finder software to find the astrology recommended first letter of your Baby name, online.

Important *


Online astrology predictions
Tamilsonline provides free jathagam for a new born baby based on date of birth and time.

Jathagam of a new born

Tamilsonline provides free jathagam for a new born baby based on date of birth and time.

Free baby astrology chart includes Tamil astrology signs of your new born baby.

Free baby astrology chart includes Tamil astrology signs of your new born baby. Find out the Tamil astrology signs of your new born baby.

Name numerology

Online astrology predictions
Although Tamil astrology recommends the first character of a new born baby, numerology provides the meaning of new born baby name.

Numerology predictions

Although Tamil astrology recommends the first character of a new born baby, numerology provides the meaning of the new born baby name.

Get your numerology predictions based on name and date of birth, online.

Check the natchathira porutham for marriage matching, FREE, online. Find out the name numerolgy online.
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