Tamilsonline.com is your best Tamil astrology website to discover a meaningful relationship between the positions of celestial bodies and your experience in life. Tamilsonline provides free Tamil astrology, numerology, manaiyadi shastram, Tamil astrological almanac, etc. online.
In order to deliver Tamil astrology based charts, compatibility reports, astrology predictions, etc. Tamilsonline have done a great length of analytical studies and extracted a vast volume of information from Tamil astrology books written by Tamil siddhars.
The Siddhar refers to intellectual people in Tamil language from ancient Tamil continent known as Kumari kandam, and their findings were written only in Tamil language.
Siddhars receives their intellectual powers called siddhi by constant practice of certain educational disciplines.
They revealed their knowledge in the form of poems in Tamil language on palm leaves known as Palm leaf manuscripts.
Entire contents in Tamilsonline.com are based on these Tamil scripts that are published by several Tamil scholars who understand the actual meaning of those Tamil poems.
All online astrology reports and predictions provided by Tamilsonline.com are free of cost. No need to provide your email ID or any other personal information.
This site is designed, developed, promoted and owned by Mr.Balakrishnan. If you have any queries related to any of our services, please visit our FAQ page or contact us by email info@tamilsonline.com