Generate Tamil horoscope in south Indian horoscope chart format, along with astrological signs, rasi chart, navamsa chart and dasa bukti periods, online.

Horoscope in Tamil is widely known as jathagam, south indian horoscope, jathakam, jathaka kattam, jathaka kurippu, graha nilai and rasi kattam.

Tamil astrological chart and astrological signs are calculated according to Tamil jothidam method of jathaka kanippu, using kanitha panchangam and lahiri ayanamsam.

All our online predictions related to Tamil jothidam, such as horoscope matching, mangalya dosham analysis, Tamil horoscope and compatibility reports are provided instantly, free of cost. There is no need to enter your email ID or any personal information.

Generate Tamil horoscope in South Indian horoscope chart format, along with astrological signs, rasi chart, navamsa chart and dasa bukti periods, online.

Tamil horoscope by date of birth based on sidereal zodiac system is generated online and displayed in south indian horoscope format.

Free Tamil horoscope provided by includes;

  • Birth star sign
  • Zodiac sign
  • Ascendant sign
  • Grahanila or natal chart
  • Navamsa chart
  • Current thisai and puththi
  • Dasa and bukthi periods
  • Strength of planets
  • Mangalya dosham analysis

Any kalathra thosam, sarpa dosham and chevvai dosham in Jathagam is clearly identified and given in the report.

Enter your birth date, time and place, and generate your FREE Tamil Horoscope in Tamil and English, online.

Free Tamil horoscope provided by includes Birth star, Zodiac sign, Ascendant, Grahanila, Navamsa chart,Current thisai and puththi. Enter your birth date, time and place, and generate your FREE Tamil Horoscope in Tamil and English, online.

Chennai Tamil panchangam

Sunrise: 06:10

Online Tamil panchangam, Daily panchangam, Moon phase

Sunset: 18:20

Mar 2025 Tuesday

T.Nagar, Chennai. India

Time zone: 05.30 E

Summer time: No

Thirukanitha panchangam

Tamil astrological almanac
Thei Pirai (Waning moon)
05:11 onwards


Online astrology predictions
Jathagam also spelled as Jathakam, is basically Tamil astrological profile of a person, calculated according to Tamil astrology method.

Tamil jathagam

Jathagam also spelled as Jathakam, is basically Tamil astrological profile of a person, calculated according to Tamil astrology method, known as jathaka kanippu.

Tamil Horoscope along with Sevvai and Sarpa dosham analysis offered by are absolutely free.

Tamil jathagam by date of birth is a full horoscope report that includes Rasi chart, Navamsam chart, dasa, bukthi, etc in English and Tamil. Generate your fully detailed Tamil Jathagam (ஜாதகம்) by date of birth, free, online.

free_astrology_horoscope Generate your Tamil Jathagam (ஜாதகம்), free, online.

Tamil Panchangam

Online astrology predictions

Tamil Panchangam and calendar today

சர்வதேச தமிழ் பஞ்சாங்கம்


Marriage Matching

Online astrology predictions
Get your Tamil astrology based marriage matching report or jathaka porutham, online.

Jathaka porutham

Are in you in love? Proposed to get married. Then check your astrological matching known as jathaka porutham, online.

In what ways a person is compatible or incompatible with another is based on the patterns and distributions of planets in the respective and combined birth charts.

Tamilsonline offers online marriage horoscope compatibility report based on Tamil jothidam that includes 13 thirumana poruthangal and dosha porutham.

free_astrology_horoscope Horoscope compatibility for marriage

Planetary positions

Online astrology predictions

Planetary positions - Graha nila

Sign Planet Degree House
Sun 11.09 Pisces
Mercury 9.23 Pisces
Venus 6.45 Pisces
Moon 20.59 Capricorn 
Mars 27.28 Gemini
Sign Planet Degree House
Saturn 29.31 Aquarius
Jupiter 20.50 Taurus
Rahu 3.11 Pisces
Kethu 3.11 Virgo

Time:18:18 Tuesday25 Mar 2025 Time Zone: 00.00 E Summer time: No

London, UnitedKingdom

Free grahanila finder Find out the planetry positions for any given place and date

Naming astrology

Online astrology predictions
Find out the nama nakshatra and corresponding first syllable and name your baby according to Tamil astrology.

Tamil baby names

Tamil name astrology recommends that the first akshara (syllable) of a name should be based on the position of moon in baby's horoscope.

Each nakshatram and its paatham has its own special sound in tune with the tendencies and inner nature of a child, helping the child grow to the fullest potential.

Find out the nama nakshatra of your baby and corresponding first syllable for naming.

namakaranam Tamil baby names

Numerology predictions

Online astrology predictions
Get your FREE numerology predictions or En jothida palan, online.

En kanitham jothidam

Find out your personality, special talent and character by date of birth based on Tamil numerology, known as en jothidam and en kanitha sothidam.

Although numerology is not part of Tamil astrology, En jothidam along with nakshatra based names are recommended by Tamil astrologers.

Free Tamil numerology online Find out your personality, special talent and character by date of birth based on Tamil numerology, known as en jothidam and en kanitha sothidam.

Astrological jewelry

Online astrology predictions
Find out your lucky gem stone, based on Tamil astrology.

Astrological jewelry and gems

Buying a jewelery for yourself or your loved ones ! We recommend you to buy a jewelry with a gem stone mounted to touch your body and make sure that the gem is astrologically recommended. generates your horoscope and recommend the right gem stone favorable to the ruling planet of the current dasa (Thisai) period.

Tamil astrological gems Find out your astrology recommended gem

Name matching

Online astrology predictions
Marriage partner compatibility predictions offered by tamilsonline indicates the nature of the relationship between two individuals.

Name matching for marriage

Interested to know whether both of you are numerologically matched ?

Marriage partner compatibility predictions offered by Tamilsonline predicts the nature of the relationship between two individuals.

free numerology matching Tamil numerology matching

Love astrology

Online astrology predictions
yoni matching is used for identifying the level of intimate relationship between man and woman.

Love match - Cittinba porutham

Tamil astrology says that intimate relationship can be sensational, only when the yoni of both partners are compatible to each other. Yoni of a person is determined by its nakshatram at the time of birth.

Are you physically and emotionally compatible to your partner?

Find out your yoni porutham or love match, online.

yoni_porutham, Yoni match, Love horoscope Find out your love match

Tithi calculator

Online astrology predictions

Tithi and its ruling deity

The tithi that you were born at, considered to be the most favorable day for worshiping the deity that belongs to a particular Tithi.

Tithi plays an important role in selecting the nalla neram, muhurtham, pithur karmam, etc.

Find out the Thithi for any given date online.

Find your Tithi online Thithi finder

Manaiyadi shastram

Online astrology predictions
Moving into a rental home or building your own house, check the manaiyadi shastram compliance, online.

Manaiyadi shastram

Ancient Tamil architectural science is known as Manaiyadi shastram. In Manaiyadi shastram, a home is considered as a living organism, relationship between resident and living space is relevant for healthy and peaceful life.

Moving into a rental home or building your own house, check the Manaiyadi shastram compliance, online.

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Friendship compatibility

Online astrology predictions

Friendship astrology

Can you imagine your best friend who turned into your worst enemy?

Don't make the same mistake again. Check the astrological compatibility of your friendship now. Check the compatibility of your friendship online.

friendship_matching love match astrology in tamil
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