Free Jathagam in Tamil
Get your free Jathagam (ஜாதகம்) and horoscope birth chart online in Tamil. Understand your Jathagam kattam with comprehensive Tamil astrology interpretations.
Tamil Jathagam is a birth chart or diagram based on Tamil astrology, specifying the angular positions of the nine grahas (planets) at the time and date of birth.
Read your ilavasa jathagam kattam in Tamil from date of birth, that shows the exact position of grahas and their occupying rasi or zodiac house.
Careful analysis and interpretation of planetary positions of jathagam from date of birth and time, is known as jathaka palan and rasi palan.
Your date of birth astrology in Tamil consists of rasi navamsa kattam, astrology signs, dasa bukthi periods, dosha kanippu, rasi nakshatra and lagna palan in Tamil.
Get your most accurate free Jathagam in Tamil and complete zodiac chart that consists of natal chart, astrology reports, explanation and predictions in Tamil.
Understanding Jathagam Kattam
Fully detailed Jathagam Kattam representing the position of planets at the time of birth, along with Rasi Kattam, Navamsa Chart and Jathagam Palangal offered by Tamilsonline, are absolutely free.
With planetary positions, you can find out the influences of hundreds of yogas in your horoscope.
Jathagam by date of birth is personal and unique, specific to your exact birth time, date and place of birth; calculated according to Tamil jathagam calculations known as jathaka kanippu.
In Tamil astrology, jathagam parka or jathakam par meant for horoscope reading, and horoscope prediction is known as jathaga palangal and jathaka palan.
Tamilsonline offers free astrology in Tamil language that strictly follows the Thirukanitha panchangam and Lahiri ayanamsam calculations.
How to Generate Your Jathagam and Birth Chart in Tamil online
Online Jathagam calculator tool enables you to view, download and print Tamil Jathagam in PDF format.
Along with your free Birth Charts in Tamil, find your birth star sign, zodiac sign, dasa bukthi periods, mangalya dosham analysis and full astrology reports known as jathaka kurippu.
Jathagam in Tamil requires the correct time and date of birth to determine the exact planetary positions for future prediction.
Submit your birth details and get your FREE Tamil Jathagam and interpretations online.