Tamil numerology, known as en kanitham jothidam reveals your personality, special talent and character by date of birth and name numbers. Get predicted now.

En jothidam

Tamilsonline offers free online En jothidam tool that enables you to enter the name and date of birth, and discover the meaning of the numerological value of your name based on Tamil numerology.


Numerology is the study of numbers, and the occult manner in which they reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies, as an integral part of the cosmic plan. Each letter has a numeric value that provides a related cosmic vibration.

Tamil numerology, known as en kanitham jothidam reveals your personality, special talent and character.

The sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in the name provides an interrelation of vibrations. These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates, and where talents may lie.

Tamil numerology

Name numerology predictions and meaning of name numbers in Tamil numerology is known as en jothida palan, en kanitha peyar palan and en kanitha palan.

Although Tamil numerology is not part of Tamil jothidam, en jothidam along with nama nakshatram based names are recommended by many Tamil astrologers.

Name numerology calculator

The name numerology calculator software that calculates and predict the interrelation of vibrations related to the sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in your name.

Tamilsonline analyzes and predicts en kanitham palan or the meaning of the numerological value of your name and date of birth under the following headings.

Your special talent

Your birth date indicates some special talent you possess.

Your native traits

Sum of your birth date, this number gives you a broad outline of the opportunities, challenges, and lessons you will encounter in this lifetime. It is the road you are traveling.

Your destiny

A number derived from all of the letters in your full birth name. This is the number that describes the tasks that you must achieve in this lifetime using the name that was given to you by your parents.

Your inner dreams

The sum of the consonants in your name relates to a secret dream, inner desires, or even fantasies, is also associated with your personality or how people see you at first meetings.

Your heart's desire

This number is made up from the vowels in your full birth name. This is a number that you don't expose overtly to those around you. It is your inner cravings, likes and dislikes.

Online numerology calculator

Submit your name and date of birth, and get your free numerology predictions or en jothidam palan by name and date of birth, online.

(Full name given by parents, no space between names)
Date of Birth
Submit your name and date of birth, and get your free Tamil Numerology prediction that is known as En jothida palan, En kanitha palan and En kanitha jothida palngal.

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