Nakshatram, Rasi and Lagnam
Rasi Nakshatra Calculator enables you to find out your Nakshatram, Rasi and Lagnam based on your birth data. Rasi, Natchathiram and Lagnam are Astrology signs that correspond to zodiac signs, stars and ascendants.
Rasi and nakshatra lists or tables are based on Tamil astrology system, known as the sidereal zodiac system. Discover the significance and characteristics of your Natchathiram Rasi and Lagnam signs, and how they influence your life.
Knowing the Rasi and nakshatra signs are important for predicting the general character of an individual, also used during sankalpam, religious, traditional and special ceremonies like wedding, graha pravesam, etc. During religious ceremonies, every individual is identified by name, nakshatram and rasi.
Birth rashi by birth time and date is found from the information given in the panchangam for your birth place. Tamilsonline generates your local panchangam instantly and finds your rasi natchathiram in Tamil, online.
Know your Tamil astrology signs
Tamil astrology signs are divided into three categories, known as nakshatra (birth star), rasi (zodiac sign), and lagna (ascendant sign).
The above rasi nakshatra chart or diagram shows how each natchathiram and its patham is divided, and the rasi or the zodiac house they occupy in our solar system.
Natchathiram (star sign) list or table
In Tamil astrology, the nakshara table or list consists of twenty seven nakshatras or star signs. List of natchathiram in Tamil astrology are as follows;
Ashwini, Parani, Kaarthikai, Rohini, Mirukaseeridam, Thiruvaathirai, Punarpoosam, Poosam, Aayiliyam, Makam, Pooram, Uththiram, Hastham, Chiththirai, Swaathi, Visakam, Anusham, Kettai, Moolam, Pooraadam, Uththiraadam, Thiruvonam, Avittam, Chathayam, Pooraddathi, Uththiraddathi and Revathi.
Rasi (zodiac sign) list or table
Table or list of twelve rasi or zodiac signs in Tamil are Mesham (Aries), Rishabam (Taurus), Mithunam (Gemini), Kadakam (Cancer), Simham (Leo), Kanni (Virgo), Thulam (Libra), Viruchikam (Scorpio), Thanu (Sagittarius), Makaram (Capricorn), Kumbam (Aquarius) and Meenam (Pisces).
What’s my star sign and zodiac sign? How do I find my astrology signs?
To determine which star and zodiac sign you are, you need to provide your birth place, time and date of birth below.
Rasi Natchathiram Lagnam calculator
Free Rasi Natchathiram calculator tool using Tamil astrology software, reveals your Nakshatra, Rasi and Lagnam signs based on your birth date, time and place.
Also provides Rasi Palan and Natchathiram Palangal, online.