Online Tithi Calculator, based on Tamil Astrological Almanac software, can accurately calculate the Tithi and its corresponding deity, known as Thithi Devathai.
Find out the Tithi or Moon phase for today or any other date, free, online.
Tithi is an exact lunar day, that is approximately one thirtieth of the time it takes for the moon to orbit the earth. Each tithi is dedicated to a deity or devathai, and each lunar phase has a unique name in Tamil.
Tamil names of each tithi are as follows; pirathamai, thuvithiyai, thiruthiyai, chathurthi, panjchami, sashdi, sapthami, ashdami, navami, thasami, eagaathasi, thuvaathasi, thirayoathasi, chathurthasi and paurnami / amaavaasai.
Tithi plays an important role along with varam, nakshatram, yogam and karanam in our daily as well as special occasions in selecting the nalla neram, muhurtham, pithur karmam, etc.
Auspicious tithi
Sunday - Ashdami, Monday -Navami, Tuesday - Shasdi, Wednesday - Thirurhiyai, Thursday - Ekadasi, Friday - Thirayodasi, Saturday - Chathurdasi are the auspicious days.
Inauspicious thithi
Sunday - Chathurdasi, Monday - Shasdi, Tuesday - Sapthami, Wednesday - Thuvithiyai, Thursday - Ashdami, Friday - Navami, Saturday - Sapthami are the inauspicious days.
Favorable day for worshiping
The tithi that you were born at, considered to be the most favorable day for worshiping. Find out your thithi and its devathai or thithi deivam, online.
Offerings to the deceased
Thithi is also considered a very important day to pay homage to deceased parents and ancestors. Special offerings are made on their annual tithi. Favorite food of the deceased person is specially prepared and offered on this day.
Offerings to the deceased are known as pithur karmam. Enter the date, time, and place of death, and find out the prevailing tithi at the time of the death. Annual thithi is performed on the same Tamil calendar date every year.
Online thithi calculator
Thithi is calculated when the moon moves 12 degrees eastwards from the sun. First such move - phase is known as prathamai thithi during sukla paksham or waxing moon.
When the moon moves 180 degrees it is known as paurnami or full moon and when the moon moves 360 degrees it is known as amavaasai.